Ever get tired of having a plateau-like kind of life? Or probably having a thought of doing something you might call extra ordinary? Every individual will come up to this point where they will have this anxious feeling of wanting to turn on their switch called “change”. Does this mean that people can never be satisfied nor contented? I really guess not. This is just a turning point. A decision making that you want for your life as a verification that you are alive. A human who can endure change and not just some kind of a machine who will just go with the flow.
I hate Julia Robert’s Eat, Pray, Love movie… (oh now you can hate me). At first, I kinda thought, is it really necessary for her to do such thing? I mean left her husband out of his misery just because there’s a sudden gush of realization that she doesn’t love him anymore without giving him the chance to work things out? Quitting her job without doing some assessment to herself on how can she make things more interesting at her work by venturing or looking up some internal transition and other kinds of job inside her company? Does she really have to spent too much money to go to Italy just to eat the country’s fine cuisine? I really don’t get it. Maybe because at that time when I was watching it, I don’t understand this so called turning point. The all of a sudden outburst of wanting to go opposite on the usual current flow of your living.
This is not me talking about being a rebel on what I currently have but just a mere analysis of the fact that there will come a time that one day we will wake up and will have this feeling of wanting to jump on a cliff. Our company priest was a certified public accountant and was earning a lot of moolas before he had his calling. There’s this white guy who’s now a tiger tamer in Thailand who used to be in a corporate industry but suddenly got tired of his lifestyle and became a back packer before he got the job of serving the felines. Even Pocahontas who is considered to be a princess on their tribe chose to be in a foreign distant land over the smoothest curve as steady as the beating drum called contentment on her homeland. These samples have opened my mind that Julia’s character is not fictional. That one day I will have my time of standing on a ravine and decide whether I jump or not.
This sudden change may caught you off-guard. It may also ruined your current placid situation. But as they say, change is inevitable. Sooner or later you will have this urge that you have to do something out of the box for yourself. When this time comes, think it over before ejecting yourself to something you might regret in the end.