Friday, November 25, 2011

Turning Point

Ever get tired of having a plateau-like kind of life? Or probably having a thought of doing something you might call extra ordinary? Every individual will come up to this point where they will have this anxious feeling of wanting to turn on their switch called “change”. Does this mean that people can never be satisfied nor contented? I really guess not. This is just a turning point. A decision making that you want for your life as a verification that you are alive. A human who can endure change and not just some kind of a machine who will just go with the flow.

I hate Julia Robert’s Eat, Pray, Love movie… (oh now you can hate me). At first, I kinda thought, is it really necessary for her to do such thing? I mean left her husband out of his misery just because there’s a sudden gush of realization that she doesn’t love him anymore without giving him the chance to work things out? Quitting her job without doing some assessment to herself on how can she make things more interesting at her work by venturing or looking up some internal transition and other kinds of job inside her company? Does she really have to spent too much money to go to Italy just to eat the country’s fine cuisine? I really don’t get it. Maybe because at that time when I was watching it, I don’t understand this so called turning point. The all of a sudden outburst of wanting to go opposite on the usual current flow of your living.

This is not me talking about being a rebel on what I currently have but just a mere analysis of the fact that there will come a time that one day we will wake up and will have this feeling of wanting to jump on a cliff. Our company priest was a certified public accountant and was earning a lot of moolas before he had his calling. There’s this white guy who’s now a tiger tamer in Thailand who used to be in a corporate industry but suddenly got tired of his lifestyle and became a back packer before he got the job of serving the felines. Even Pocahontas who is considered to be a princess on their tribe chose to be in a foreign distant land over the smoothest curve as steady as the beating drum called contentment on her homeland. These samples have opened my mind that Julia’s character is not fictional. That one day I will have my time of standing on a ravine and decide whether I jump or not.

This sudden change may caught you off-guard. It may also ruined your current placid situation. But as they say, change is inevitable. Sooner or later you will have this urge that you have to do something out of the box for yourself. When this time comes, think it over before ejecting yourself to something you might regret in the end.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tranquility State

Currently I’m at my 0% stress level and 0 degree of my boiling point. Staying 6 days on an island with enough money and time to relax, let’s see if I can fill this stress pad…
As a regular working ant in a corporate world, we are entitled to have 15 days of vacation and 15 days of sick leaves in a whole year. So that’s roughly 4 weeks out of almost 365 days that we’re working. Do you think that’s fair enough in terms of work-life balance? Well if you’ve gradually accepted that you are a slave for money, then basically you don’t mind. If we’re talking about a career path, then having this kind of mindset will or might take you into a higher position. But how far can you go? Are you ready to face rejections and frustrations along the way?

Normally, a young employee wouldn’t mind as they’re well equipped with fresh ideas and an integrated operating system. But try to look at the big picture of your life and ask yourself, until when will I become like this? I do have high respect for people who’re focused in earning a lot of dough and with what they want with their career but I bend myself more in appreciating people who care more about their health and what life can offer aside from getting a good salary and an elite status with their work.  

At my age right now, I’m already starting to have this realization asking myself until when can I inhale stress caused by my work? I may be the worst person in terms of saving money. But for what life can give me, I’ll be more adamant with my decision to do so. I just want to have enough savings to start a business that will sustain my living. Well who doesn’t want an easy life anyway!  I just want enough and not to be a millionaire. Oh yes money and a good career can give you everything… a big house, a luxurious car etc. But it can also offer even the worst disease and body complications if you grasp too much for it. Money can prolong your life, but it won’t save you from sickness such as cancer and the likes which probably caused by wanting too much money as well.

Getting a good career doesn’t mean you will earn a better place in heaven or wherever you will be in your after-life. Money is not the root of all evil but investing love for it is one of the major transgressions of our holy law. We have our life here not to work, but to live. To my co-employees out there, spend your VLs wisely!


Friday, November 11, 2011

One Day

What would you do if you’ll only have a day left to live?

My first thought would be, to waste all my time with my love one. Just like a normal weekend day bonding with my partner. Prolly watch all the series and anime that were lined up. Or have a double movie date at my favorite mall. I would want it as normal as possible so that it won’t mark a stain on my other half as a bad memory that he will agonize for years. On that last day, I want to care less about myself. I realized that lately I have this little hate with myself being a narcissist. I will prolly wear the lousiest clothes and the most sickening color combination ever! Most people might want to be at their best if it will be their last day on earth. I don’t get the effort of doing that as sooner or later you’re precious body will rot without you even knowing it. I think I will request for an all day Thai food on that day. That’s one thing I’m gonna miss so bad when I’m gone. I would also like to organize a costume party with my closest friends in lieu of celebrating or welcoming my after life! Another thing I would want to do is to play all the games I want up to my last breath. Playing DotA with my last day of living could give me so much drive to win it! Dying victoriously! But come to think of it, I’ve said so many ideas that surely won’t fit in a day! So why think of your dying day then?! I just ruined my thought! Haha!

Try asking yourself the same thing and I’m sure you’ll beat my wish list. Why wait for the last day before doing such things? We have to live like we’re dying. That’s the only time we can cure all the negative vibes and most specially my number one enemy a.k.a. STRESS. What I always say to myself when I’m already drowned with work is that… Work is undying, unlike your body that has a limit. I do admit that I’m also human who gets grumpy and rowdy when the boiling point is up. But whenever I’m losing track of my serenity, I always think that what if this is the last day that I’ll live? Ofcourse I don’t want to die and people will think that it’s all because of stress and all the bad aura around me! Always think like it’s as if you only got one shot so that you can go back to your rhythm.

Live with no regrets. No one really knows when the last page of our book will come. It doesn’t matter if you’re the richest arse or the healthiest buff who’s treating gym as an extension of his own living room.  Once the switch button of your life was turned off then that’s it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wasted Emotions

It’s much easier to save money than to save your emotions. Sometimes, we just have to learn how to ignore and to deflect bad vibes that will affect ourselves. Study shows that emotions can affect our health thru our endocrine glands: Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Gonads, Adrenals and the Pineal. Now don’t think I got this information by hanging out in Dexter’s Laboratory. I just read them on the net and honestly, I really don’t know where the hell they are located inside my body! But checking what could cause if these things are tapped with bad emotion is quite a good read.

Pituitary: Emotions that affect the pituitary include inadequacy and feeling out of control. Where the pituitary is involved, feelings often dominate over logic. - So who doesn’t want to be in control? Well sometimes I do but I always make sure that I keep my other hand still holding into my senses. In order to save this Pituitary shit, always remember… Mind over matter. And don’t take too much drugs! Be responsible!

Thyroid: Certain negative emotions, if felt long enough may adversely affect the thyroids. Feelings of humiliation, stifled feelings, overwhelmed, overstressed, victimized and powerlessness are some negative emotions. An underactive thyroid gland may produce: irritability, depression, mood swings, low self-esteem, crying easily and the dislike to work under pressure. – Okkk, being well said, don’t torture yourself too much. It’s ok to feel the agony and sadness in order to realize that you’re still human and you can still feel pain but drowning yourself too much on it could mess your thyroid!

Thymus: Some emotions if felt deeply and long enough can affect the thymus. These emotions include: not feeling safe, feeling attacked by life or the fear of others “out to get you”. – This is quite simple… Don’t watch horror movies or slasher films if you can’t handle it! You don’t want your thymus to suffer with your cowardness right?!

Pancreas: Feelings of rejection, anger and frustration may affect the pancreas. – Find a way on how you can easily move on! You might want to read my post “Heartbreak’s a Teacher” to give you some tips about it (*wink*).

Gonads: Not feeling safe to be a woman or a man or not accepting one's femininity or masculinity can affect the sex glands (testis and ovaries). Extreme negative emotions about one's sexuality can cause impotence or frigidity. – Oh well, maybe it’s time for you to stop being curious or confuse with your sexuality. Good thing I saved my disco stick’s steadfastness by admitting my sexuality at an early age and identifying what I really want! LOL! And whatever/wherever this gonads are, this will be the last thing in my body that I would really mess with!

Adrenals: Mind and body are interrelated and interdependent. Certain emotional states affect the production of adrenal glands. Anxiety, fear and anger stimulate the adrenal glands to secrete hormones (especially epinephrine, norepinephrine and the glucocorticoids). The “adrenaline flow” is the body's natural response to an emergency situation. Overactive adrenal glands may produce: aggressive behavior, intense feelings and the strong dislike of being crossed. An underactive adrenal gland may produce: depression, nervousness, negativity, strong preference for being alone, inferior complex or avoidance of complaints or discomforts. – Overactive and underactive adrenal glands are quite hard to balance and this is the most common among all the endocrine glands that people always trigger. Don’t be paranoid. Stop being a pessimist. Get a good massage. What I normally do to maintain this balance is to regularly go to gym to excrete the bad toxins and drink tea to increase “inner zen” (what a term!).

Pineal: This small gland produces melatonin, a hormone that affects wake and sleep patterns. – This is one of my body problems. I’m having a hard time to sleep most of the time. Specially during weekdays. I think I have a separation anxiety with my work issues. I can’t leave the stress dealt by my work behind the gates of my office! I’m not sure if I can give some good tips on this but normally if worse comes to worst, it will leave me no choice but to take a sleeping pill or my antihistamine to make me sleepy. Maybe on this you might have some piece of advice for me?

I don’t know who discovered these glands all over our body but good thing he/she does! Abusing or not being aware of these could take our health at risk. This is also the prime suspect why people are building up some cancer cells in their body. And just a piece of advice, try to think first before you feel. If you think it will just be a waste of emotion which could damage these endocrine glands, then better to just brush it off. People might judge you of being insensitive because of this, but who cares! Seriously, which is more important? Your health, or your reputation?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dear Ole Chum

Dear Diary,

Hey how have you been? I just want to know when was the last time a person last wrote a letter to you. Lately, people are being very vocal on what they feel to the extent that they can divulge their own secrets, thoughts and whereabouts which sometimes should be kept hidden. You can’t blame us. With the help of Facebook and Twitter or this blog site, we are more tempted to say whatever we want to say regardless of the risk it would take.

Do you miss getting some messages? What would you reply if ever you get the chance to?

I kinda missed writing to you tho. You’re the best excuse that a person can have. Writing to you won’t mean that an individual is crazy or autistic.  But instead, we just need you to keep our hugger-muggers. Well yeah as you know, people can’t really keep secrets. Friends might but for sure there’s a certain limit or an expiration for it. Unlike friends, we might not be able to get some good advices from you, but sometimes, we don’t require it and we just need someone or something that we can vent it out with.

Do you remember the first letter I wrote to you back when I was a kid? I introduced to you my first crush at school and it took me 3 pages just to say how much I like this person. I know I’m being careless for not hiding you in a safe place that’s why  my cousins found out about our private conversations. It was very embarrassing which caused me to stop writing to you… and I’m so sorry about that.

Anyhow, I would like to take this chance to thank you. For the un-easy feelings that were eased after writing to you. For archiving my precious memories.  And for being a sponge in my dirty kitchen “life”. I don’t know who invented you or where you came from, but give my gratitude to him/her if ever you’ll get the chance to. And I might not be able to write you more often, but I know it’s you I’m having a chat with in my mind whenever I’m assessing myself.

Your Ole Chum,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who The HELL!!!

Okkk... so far these are the known individuals who are using my pic/s on their profile...

Way to go MJ! Seems like you've gathered more friends than I have on my personal FB account using that pouty pic of mine huh!

And look at Stephen... wow I never thought I was a Blue Eagle... go Ateneo! Seems kinda new with only 19 friends on his list. Thanks to my friends who're concern of letting me know about this Rookie in being a poser!

And lastly, this... this is the one I can really not take! First, seriously? On this gay website?! Second, he really posted the evolution of me on his profile pictures! Lastly, what a big m'fer using a nick like that... PNOYBIGBIRD?!?! Whoever this one is, he really knows me as he knows some people who are connected to me like some close friends/ ex-officemates... again, it's hard to get over that stupid name...LOL!

I really don't know what they're getting from this. I bet these are the people who will use my pics and will try to ask other people on the net for a meet up but got no guts to show themselves ending up tricking the other party on a one-way eye ball! It's really ironic how I'm trying to maintain my secrecy on this blog site by just putting Plue, my favorite anime dog (yes he's a dog) on my profile pic while others are doing their own activity on the net by putting my pictures on their pages.

Having a poser could be somehow flattering at first knowing that someone has chosen your pics for their own monkey business. But these posers can also get you into serious trouble! As much as I want to report them, I can't see the fact that they will disappear after doing that. So goodluck to my posers! Karma's a bitch, digital and airborne!